How your fundraising helps

Imagine waking up not knowing whether you will be able to cross the road, go to work, or look after the kids today. Every case of MS is unique, and the symptoms, severity, and progress of the disease are different for everyone. MS can affect the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves, and can cause problems with vision, balance, muscle control, and other basic body functions.

At MS Queensland, we provide support and care, offer information, fund research for a cure and raise awareness for multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases in Queensland, to ensure no one has to face MS alone.

The funds you raise are vital in providing services to over 5,500 Queenslanders living with MS and other neurological conditions. These services include our NeuroAssist information line, NDIS access and planning support, specialist nursing services, wellness programs and services for those who need it most.


The money raised by the wonderful swimmers in our MS Super Splash events funds the vital services and support for people living with MS. While your registration fee helps to cover the cost of hosting a public event, we rely on your fundraising to help support the MS community.

Click here to meet some inspirational people who received the devastating news of an MS diagnosis, how MS Queensland support them and hear what motivates them to live each day with positivity.

We are here to support you in your fundraising efforts. Whether you are new to fundraising or a seasoned pro we are here to help! Please contact us on 1300 090 923 or email for personalised advice and tips.