About MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common conditions of the central nervous system. It may affect the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve and impacts more young people in Australia than any other chronic neurological condition.

What are the typical symptoms of MS?

Every case of MS is unique, and the symptoms, severity and progress of the disease are different for everyone. MS can affect the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. It can cause problems with vision, balance, muscle control, and other basic body functions.

You can learn more about MS symptoms here

Can MS be cured?

MS is a lifelong condition for which a cure is yet to be found. However, doctors and scientists are making discoveries in treating and understanding MS every day and research to find a cure is very encouraging.

How can MS Queensland help?

The funds you raise are vital in providing services for Queenslanders living with MS and other neurological conditions. MS Queensland provide services including our NeuroAssist information line, NDIS access and planning support, specialist nursing services, wellness programs and financial assistance to access critical equipment and services for those who need it most.

Most importantly, your support ensures that no one faces MS alone.

Find out more about multiple sclerosis and MS Queensland at www.msqld.org.au.